Victory In Corner Clubhouse (children’s ministry) we went through the story of Joshua. I am continually amazed by how God will use the...
Hold Fast There is something truly amazing about the way God uses the husband-and-wife relationship as a picture of Christ and the Church. ...
Whose Food As a family we have been slowly working through the gospel of John. In my personal study I have been going through Romans, albeit...
The High Priest Forever This is the time of season for gathering, exchanging gifts, parties, get-togethers with family, travel, and if we are not careful we can...
Lifestyle of Gratitude We just celebrated Thanksgiving, a significant holiday in the United States. We gathered together to remember all the things we are...
Aphorizo Horizon. A word that reminds me of the Greek word “aphorizo” which means separated. Paul describes In Romans 1:1 how he was separated...
20-20 Vision What do you think of when you hear the word “vision?” I think about my eyesight, and how I need glasses to see. Sometimes the phrase,...
Like Gold 1 Peter 1:6-9 “In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the...