Habitual Sin Hamster Wheels Have you ever been so lost in a habitual sin that you simply got to the point that repentance didn’t even happen, it wasn’t on your...
Mist There were five words that Davis spoke during the introduction to the new sermon series, “Zeal” that struck me to the core. He said,...
Aroma Do we hold a narrow view on what eternal life is? For so long I’ve associated it with believing in Christ to have a heavenly home. ...
Supernatural Familiarity When we think of a law what comes to mind? It can have a myriad of different meanings. From a law of nature, physical laws, moral law,...
Sent They thought he was crazy. They thought he was the Christ, or Elijah or the Prophet. John the Baptist was sent to prepare the way of...
Consuming Ownership or Humbling Stewardship My wife and I enjoy listening to older sermons and are big fans of Derek Prince. We have been listening to some of his sermons lately. ...
The Five W’s 5 W’s Trials and suffering. Words and experiences that we want to avoid. But when it comes to oneness in Christ, we must count...
Big Questions – Bigger God It was a Tuesday in September 2019. It seemed like any other normal cross-over workday for me. I worked 8 days on and 6 days...
In Memoriam – How Do We Live? When we think of Memorial Day we often immediately think about a day off from work or school, grilling and cookouts, yard, and lawn...