Prayer Outreach Event
April 26 | Butterworth Hospital
Have you ever walked by a person and thought to yourself, “I wonder what’s going on in their life?” Sometimes the things we see are only a part of the story.
We have an opportunity to go deeper than just a thought, but actually ask the question, “How can I pray for you?”
On April 26th we will be taking any of you who are interested to Butterworth Hospital to simply ask that question to people passing by. By this we hope to open spiritual conversations that could lead to the sharing of the gospel.
We will be asking you who are interested to join us for three training sessions (1 hour long) on January 25, February 22, and March 29. These will be held at 1 PM at CBC. During these times we will talk about our purpose, our process, and how to deal with problems so that we are all prepared for success.
So pray about YOUR part in this endeavor.
If you have any questions, you can contact Pastor Jim (269-578-6693) or Peyton Remick (616-403-6929).