Thirty Minutes Isn’t Enough – Which Lens?
Cornerbiblechurch   -  

This week’s episode goes over James 2:1-13.

Show Notes:
-The love your neighbor as yourself comes from Leviticus 19.
-The need to view others all on the same level also applies to how we view others in comparison to ourselves.
-Verses 6 and 7 hammer on the point of partiality. The world tends to uplift the wrong people anyways. The world has a habit of elevating people who do not have their best interest in mind. Culturally speaking, the rich were the ones that were leading the way persecuting Christians.
-The main takeaway with this section is we need to take a step back and ask the question, “Who am I elevating and who am I sidelining?” How do you actually love people? How does it differ between ones we love and those we don’t.
-Please read ahead and ask your own question: With these challenges from the text coming, it may be a good idea to read ahead as part of your daily bible reading. If you come up with something that you’d like to ask the show about the passage, email us at