Thirty Minutes Isn’t Enough – Navigating Trials Pt 3
Cornerbiblechurch   -  

This week’s episode goes over James 1:8-18.

Show Notes:
-James sometimes feels like it jumps around. It has been called by some biblical scholars as the Proverbs of the New Testament. Not only because it’s focus on practicality, but on wisdom as well. Jesus’s influence on James is also shown in this section.
-James 1:9 continues James’s talk about common issues Christians must face and overcome. He starts the chapter with preparing us for trials then moves to trusting God’s wisdom over our own. He continues this theme with the issue of worrying about physical wealth on earth. Verse 12 referencing verse 2 bookends the trials section. However…
-Verse 13, James begins making a very important distinction. Good comes from God, God will not tempt you as part of your trials. The temptation is just your own nature and desires being exposed.
-He explains that every good thing is from God and bad things are from our own nature.
-An interesting study for those interested is to look up all the different theories of what the “Crown of Life” mentioned in verse 12 is. There are many different ones and of course, James never does fully describe what he means.
-Please read ahead and ask your own question: With these challenges from the text coming, it may be a good idea to read ahead as part of your daily bible reading. If you come up with something that you’d like to ask the show about the passage, email us at