Thirty Minutes Isn’t Enough – James Part 10
Cornerbiblechurch   -  

Welcome to our study of James. This week we are going over James 4:1-12

Study Notes:
-James quotes scripture but there is no scripture in canon that he quotes so there are three possibilities believed to be the most likely:
-He is just paraphrasing the second commandment.
-He is quoting intertestamental writings (Things written during the 400 years of silence).
-He is quoting another apostle.
-James continues to build on his previous points. Some references include asking God for the right things mentioned in Chapter 1, where our wisdom come from in Chapter 3, what our motive for our works comes from in Chapter 2 and finishes it up with warnings about our tongue from Chapter 3.
-James is again furthering his overall point of refocusing our life to mirror his and follow the prayer Jim prayed on Sunday of “Lord, make my desires your own.”
-In verses 9 and 10, he warns about people who don’t take sin seriously. We need to make sure we are having the correct response to our own sin. Are we glorifying our sin or are we morn because of it.
-James isn’t about sugarcoating it. James is about authentic faith to build a real relationship with God.

Next week as we continue our study of James. If you read ahead and think of a question about the passage, email us at