Thirty Minutes Isn’t Enough – Get Real
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Welcome to the Corner Bible Church Podcast

This week’s episode goes over James 1:19-27.

Show Notes:
-We know there is a God simply by being around his creation. As human beings, we have a certain inclination to God. We know something is out there beyond us.
-God’s desire to have a relationship with us isn’t earned but implanted in us from God.
-We don’t do good works to get saved, we do good works because we are saved. God cares more about who you are, not what you do. If you believe the opposite, then you are thinking that your works can save you and the cross means nothing. Jesus often taught that people who put their faith in their works were wrong compared to those who put their works in their faith.
-We must remember James separates being slow to anger and speak. We must make sure our anger isn’t preventing us from listening. Just because we don’t interrupt, it doesn’t mean we were listening.
-We need to remember how to disagree without being disagreeable. Even if we can’t agree, it doesn’t mean we can’t love one another.
-Please read ahead and ask your own question: With these challenges from the text coming, it may be a good idea to read ahead as part of your daily bible reading. If you come up with something that you’d like to ask the show about the passage, email us at