Asking for a Friend- 3 things every new believer needs to do?
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Welcome to the Asking for a Friend Podcast.

This week’s question is “What are the 3 most important things for a new believer to do immediately?”

Show Notes:


  • In the early church, we are always told, “Repent, Believe, then be Baptized.” (Acts 2:38)
  • Acts 16 with the Philippian Jailer.
  • Baptism isn’t required for salvation but a sign of an inward reality of the change in your heart and a sign of obedience.
  • If you have accepted Christ as your savior and would like more information on baptism, contact Corner Bible Church or your local church.

Join a solid local church and small group of believers

  • Christianity in the New Testament is always taking place in the confines of community.
  • Important to find a biblical church. Be wary of churches caught in tradition and culture.
  • Hebrews says to not neglect meeting together.
  • The early church in Acts met together daily to grow.
  • Church is not meant to just fill your cup but to also pour into.
  • A survey from Summit Church revealed that people didn’t feel growth in their spiritual life until they joined a serving team, not just a small group.

Read your Bible – Dive deeper

  • Find a Bible Study that works for you and engage in God daily (5-5-5 method)
  • We’ve been given in God’s word as what to do and he uses it to speak to us
  • A great part to start is John or any of the gospels. James and Acts are also good to continue the study. Find a partner to go through to hold you accountable is a great way to keep on track.
  • Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23, Mark 4:1-20, Luke 8:4-15) talks about new believers that don’t place their energy into firmly rooting themselves in God and wither away.


This is a great question for both new believers and established believers. As new believers, it’s a great starting point. For established believers, it’s a good time to take an inventory of our own lives to make sure we are still doing these things. Also, it’s a great list to use when helping new believers become established.