Lifestyle of Gratitude We just celebrated Thanksgiving, a significant holiday in the United States. We gathered together to remember all the things we are...
Living Temples From the sermon passage, Haggai 2:1-9: “‘Who is left among you who saw this house in its former glory? How do you see it now? Is it not...
Hyperfocus I have ADHD. The first time I was given this diagnosis, just out of highschool, I laughed. I genuinely did not believe the doctor. You see,...
Aphorizo Horizon. A word that reminds me of the Greek word “aphorizo” which means separated. Paul describes In Romans 1:1 how he was separated...
Weary With Worry Sometimes, the everyday act of living a human life is exhausting. Simple tasks feel burdensome. Connecting with people is as hard as...
Dying An Unintentional Spiritual Death When I heard that Jesus died for my sins and I could know God personally, I couldn’t believe it was true. Me? Little, insignificant,...
Do I Have A Testimony Worth Sharing? Why do people always talk so much about the “hard things” in their lives when sharing their testimony? This question came to mind...
20-20 Vision What do you think of when you hear the word “vision?” I think about my eyesight, and how I need glasses to see. Sometimes the phrase,...
I Need You? Umm, I Don’t Know About That. “Don’t think of yourself more highly than you should. Just as the human body has many parts so it is with the Body of Christ. We are...