Thirty Minutes Isn’t Enough – The Everlasting Arms
Cornerbiblechurch   -  

Welcome to our study of James. This week we are going over James 4:13-5:12

Study Notes:
-In 4:17: James is talking about sinning by omission. Do we operate in a gray area where we aren’t actively sinning but also not listening to God’s direction?
-It’s easy to trust in God on things we agree with but are we withholding some of our lives from his direction?
-If God’s calling isn’t in the direction you want, will you listen?
-James is all about taking an inward look. Is there anything we are withholding from God? Planning isn’t bad, but do we intentionally involve God in the planning?
-5:1-6: Some commentaries argue this is a warning to people in the church but others say this is a warning to the people who are persecuting the church and that the rich mentioned earlier are attending church but maybe not members.
-James reminds us that if we serve the world, our treasures will end with the world.
-Once those that serve the world realize the error in their world, they will weep and howl.
-5:7-11: The farmer is a great analogy for faith. Our faith needs to be like that of a farmer. We need to trust the process without being able to see the fruits of the labor at all times.
-5:12: This is a fun verse because it seems out of place. We have to remember that the section headings and verses were added after the letters were written. 4:13-17 fits really well with 5:1-11 and that crosses chapters. Sometimes we forget the headings, chapters, and verses were added for the benefit of us the readers.

Next week as we continue our study of James. If you read ahead and think of a question about the passage, email us at