Thirty Minutes Isn’t Enough – The Center
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Welcome to the Corner Bible Church Podcast

Welcome to our study of James. This week we are going over James 3:13-18

Study Notes:

-This is a natural ending to the first section of James.

-Meekness is usually associated as a bad attribute and a weakness. However, when James uses it, it means power under control. Meekness doesn’t come from passivity or cowardice but rather from trusting solely in God.

-Meekness contrasts with Selfish Ambition. Which was used to talk about politicians of the time.

-James links this passage to many of the previous points he has made. The overarching point made is that our outward appearance will display our inward self.

-In the first 3 chapters, James really focuses on our main pain points (suffering, our words, how we view people, how we look at life) and he ties them all together and shows how they are connected to your heart.

Next week as we continue our study of James. If you read ahead and think of a question about the passage, email us at