Asking For A Friend – Best Advice for Newlyweds
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Join Jim, Davis, and Adam as they all join forces in a special Asking For A Friend.

Question: What is your best advice for newlyweds?
The guys all agree this would’ve been good advice to hear before they were married. Many times couples go into marriage with not just high expectations but incorrect expectations. They broke it down into four “Don’t Instead Do” phrases.

DON’T bottle up emotions and frustrations – Instead, DO communicate and pursue openness
-Learn how you communicate and understand how your spouse communicates. Two ways are love languages and apology languages.
-Be open with each other. You are meant to be one, don’t hide your emotions.
-An easy way to communicate and open up is using “I feel____ when ____” statements. Start doing this now! And work through each one before moving to the next.

DON’T expect sex to be amazing right away – Instead, DO pursue intimacy and learn about your partner
-A great Christian book on this topic is “Intended for Pleasure” by Ed Wheat and Gaye Wheat.
-Physical, mental, and spiritual are all connected. Engagement on all three leads to a greater connection.
-Intimacy isn’t only a physical event. If you are lacking in your mental and spiritual will cause the physical to lack as well.
-Communication is key in this as well.

DON’T go through marriage without a plan – Instead, DO create a mission statement for your family and live out those values
-The focus of the marriage needs to keep on honoring God. Everything else takes a back seat.
-Unity and agreement on things in your marriage is important. These include money, kids, and how to deal with parents.
-Having a unified front and goal will help prevent confusion and friction in future discussions.

DON’T view your partner as a roommate – Instead, DO continue to date and pursue after them
-Remember to intentionally take time out for each other. This does not need to cost anything.
-Date nights at home are an easy thing for after kids. Don’t fall into the trap of becoming roommates.
-Even monotonous weekly activities like getting groceries can turn into an impromptu date time.
-There are a lot of great and cheap date ideas or even conversation starters you can find online.

Next week we jump back into James. If you read ahead and think of a question about the passage, email us at