Thirty Minutes Isn’t Enough – Flaming Words
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Welcome to the Corner Bible Church Podcast

This week’s episode goes over James 3:1-12.

Show Notes:
-“The tongue is a small member, yet it boast of great things.” The tongue is strange because it does all the boasting for the body but rarely does what it is boasting about.
-Scriptures continually paint the picture that you are either glorifying God with your actions and word, or you are glorifying yourself.
-Even though James starts this section specifically mentioning teachers, the passage applies to everyone. Even though we may not be teachers by trade, we are teaching people. Either in the workplace or with our children. We need to be cautious with our words and actions even if we aren’t in a teaching role in the church.
-James knows that we cannot achieve perfection in this lifetime. However, we should still strive for perfection and continue to better ourselves.
-We need to be careful of our tongue. We can’t curse other people with the same tool we use to praise and worship our God.
-Please read ahead and ask your own question: With these challenges from the text coming, it may be a good idea to read ahead as part of your daily bible reading. If you come up with something that you’d like to ask the show about the passage, email us at
-Just one last note, our annual church picnic is this coming week. With that, there will be a special episode of the Corner Bible Podcast released next week.

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