Thirty Minutes Isn’t Enough – Faith Without Works is Dead
Cornerbiblechurch   -  

This week’s episode goes over James 2:14-26.

Show Notes:
– James starts off his point that belief doesn’t necessarily mean you are saved. We need to allow the faith that we have placed in Christ to affect us.
-The first story in verse 15 is a very practical situation in the church of the day.
-The biggest takeaway from this is that our works are a product of our faith, we do not do works to be saved.
-Sometimes things God asks us to do feel like they are contradicting and telling us to not do works. Like the story of the beggar. We need to have our faith strong enough to realize the difference. The more you hear the spirit speak, the more you will recognize it is him.
-The simple mindset change may not lead to a change in what our works produce. But it is a large change in our foundation of faith. We must realize that without works saving us, there is no tangible measuring stick to figure out if our faith is saving faith. But that is exactly what James is talking about when he says, “Show me your faith apart from your works.” It is impossible to show your faith without works but we cannot be doing works for the purpose of showing our faith.
-Even though faith is what saves us, faith that saves, goes to work. Even Paul says so in Ephesians.
-And then when we understand that faith leads to works, and faith without works is dead, we look towards Luke 23 and see that Jesus tells the thief on the cross that he will be in paradise with him even though no works were done. But this only emphasizes that works are not a requirement.
-Please read ahead and ask your own question: With these challenges from the text coming, it may be a good idea to read ahead as part of your daily bible reading. If you come up with something that you’d like to ask the show about the passage, email us at