Does Jesus Hang Out in the Corner Cafe?

Lori Melton   -  

Does Jesus hang out in the Corner Cafe?

I think he does! You may not find him if you’re looking for someone who looks like the actor who plays Jesus on The Chosen, Jonathan Rumie. But you will find him in the faces of those from our congregation who look like you or me.

I’ve encountered him more times than I can count as I obliviously chat with someone from our body, and suddenly, they morph into Jesus standing right in front of me. It happened again just a few weeks ago. It had been a doozy of a week. Who am I kidding? It wasn’t just the week but the whole month that seemed more than I could handle. I dragged into church exhausted Sunday morning, just trying to make it through the service. I had a houseful of company coming that afternoon and an overflowing week ahead.

Torn about the fullness of my life and the tasks before me, Mary Westra sidled up to the coffee pump beside me. Any of you who know Mary knows what a wellspring of love and wisdom she is. Just a few years ahead of me on the path of life with Jesus, ministry, and motherhood, I poured out my fatigue and everything I was juggling, questioning if I was in the center of God’s will and how I would faithfully get through the week ahead.

After listening intently with eyes full of compassion, Mary shared wisdom that I think Jesus would have spoken to me if he were standing there, himself.

She said, “Ok, here are two thoughts I want you to keep close this week. First, the question, what is the next step of obedience God is asking me to take right now? Then, when what is happening in your life seems like more than you can handle, or you’re not sure if what is happening is from the Spirit, but it seems it is what God has put before you, repeat this little phrase, ‘I trust you, Lord. I trust you.’”

Her words grabbed hold of my heart and spirit. I knew the moment she shared them that it was my manna from heaven—God’s provision from the lips of my sister-in-Christ.

It wasn’t more than a few minutes later that another friend walked up to pump some hot java into her cup. As we greeted each other, she asked me to pass on her and her husband’s thanks to my husband. The week before, he had shared a nugget of wisdom that had repeatedly come back to their minds, and they had put into practice numerous times since, even as recently as on their ride to church that morning. It was another Jesus sighting in the Corner Café!

These encounters with the Lord confirm this truth from 1 Corinthians 3:16,” Do you not know that you[a] are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” ESV

Many times, we come to church thinking that the places where we will encounter Jesus are in class or the church service. But how often do we remember that Jesus also meets us with the provision that we need through each other? In the Old Testament, the only place you could receive from God was in his Holy Temple. Now, living in the New Covenant, since Jesus destroyed the barrier between God and his children, we can encounter him in the temple and every believer!

That conversation with Mary was close to a month ago now. The Spirit has brought it back to my mind often. As I’ve done what the Lord instructed through Mary’s words, the fruit of the Spirit has filled my life. Not only that, but I’ve passed it on to my co-workers, friends, and family members who are overwhelmed and searching for clarity. As they’ve listened, I’ve watched God’s peace and clarity wash over them as well.

So what do you think? Have you encountered Jesus in the Corner Café? You’ll find me by the coffee this week. I’d love to hear all about it!