Zeal in Living Color
“In the human body there are many parts and organs, each with a unique function And so it is in the body of Christ. For though we are many we’ve all been mingled into one body in Christ. This means that we are all vitally joined to one another, with each contributing to the others.” – Romans 12:4-6 TPT
Isn’t it amazing how God puts the perfect gifts in His people and then brings them together to carry out His will, in big ways and small? Planting sparks of holy zeal for particular assignments, He invites us to join Him in His work to bring the Gospel to the world!
Chatting in the Corner Café before service with Pastor Davis a few weeks ago, I was awestruck at the story he shared. Expressing how much I was enjoying the Corner Bible podcast, his eyes lit up as he told me how God called Adam to host the podcast in the first place.
After Davis stepped into his new role at church, he sensed God calling him to hand off some of the ministries he had been leading to others God had gifted. One of those ministries was the podcast. As he prayed about handing it off, he had the idea for a new show on the podcast to take the weekly sermon one step deeper during the week. As there is always more to include in the Sunday sermon than was possible with the time allotted, a show where the church could go deeper was an exciting prospect.
Yet, it was strange to sense the Spirit nudging him to step away while at the same time filling him with renewed passion and fresh ideas. But he committed it to prayer.
Not long after, Adam Lynema reached out to Davis. He had been feeling the Lord compel him to step out of his comfort zone and start serving more at our church. And the ministry the Lord had laid on his heart? You guessed it, the church podcast!
And … hold on, the story gets even better!
As Adam went on to talk about his vision for the show, he said he wanted to use the weekly episodes to take the sermon deeper and talk about the things Davis hadn’t been able to include in the sermon!
Davis’ jaw just about dropped to the floor. How could God answer so perfectly, putting the same idea in Adam’s mind that had been bubbling in his?
Simple: That’s how amazing our God is and how gloriously he works!
There may be more magnificent proofs of the existence and omnipotence of God, but we can’t forget the unassuming ones like this! The ones that make us shake our head, smile, and utter spontaneous praise, “Oh, Lord, there is no God like you!”
It was the perfect match. They got busy planning the episodes. Davis taught Adam about microphones, recording, and editing, and handed over the reins. Each season as they get together to plan for the show, they are amazed at how their divine synchronicity continues, with the same ideas, at times, coming to both of them.
This season as the podcast illustrates our sermon series on Zeal through interviews with various ministry leaders in our church, Davis and Adam are an example of our definition of zeal in living color; two men “wholeheartedly surrendered with fierce devotion to God rooted in the Gospel.”
Not to mention as their gifts complement each other as different parts of Christ’s body, they are having the time of their life!